Bethesda Nordicin joulutervehdys, – lahja ja kysely!

  • Bethesda Nordic Community Manager Anna on tehnyt nimettömän mielipidekyselyn Pohjoismaalaisille pelaajille! Anna haluaa mielipiteitä sekä tällä hetkellä pelaavilta, tauolla olevilta sekä lopettaneilta pelaajilta:
  • Discordissa #giveaway kanavalla on 5 x 1500 kruunua, 1 x Pink Torchbug ja 4 x Hot Blooded Bantam Guar koodeja 3.1.2023 asti!


Dear Dragonborn Inc!

Another year and I want to say the biggest thank you for all that you have been organizing and helped me with during the year. Thank you  for being a crazy, naked, lovely bunch to collaborate with! I hope for much more during 2023!

Here are some codes for you, a small way of say thank you. I hope it will be of much joy to you all! 

All the best, Anna, Community Manager for Bethesda Nordics! ❤️

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