Vierasesittely Alcast
Account name: @Drugcontrol
Guild: Hodor
Characters: Xeloki – Stamina DK
Alcast – Magicka DK
Cathamalexiaqotinissizia – Stamina Sorc
Szane – Magicka Sorc
Cesille – Stamina Templar
Cezille – Magicka Templar
Desjani Dar – Stamina NB
Test Subject Z – Magicka Nightblade
Bixy Dveva – Stamina Warden
Cole Protocol – Magicka Warden
And many more..I legit lost count
Age: Grandpa
Country: Switzerland
Harrastukset: Roleplay
How do you know Dragonborn Z?
Edenprime <3
How much do you play?
I play about 15h/week, mosty trials I raid 3 times a week 3h.
I do content for ESO about 30h/week (youtube, twitch, website etc)
What do you like to do in game:
Theorycrafting <3 Triiiaaaaaaaals is my jam, Dungeons are also cool. Quests are fun but I always get lost >.>
Games that you’ve played before The Elder Scrolls Online:
A lot of Shooter games, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Warhammer, Lineage 2, Witcher and so on…. up to ESO I legit played like everything there was…
Best gaming experience:
Community of ESO
Five interesting facts about you:
I lived in Vancouver for almost 1 year.
I lived in Bosnia for 6 Months.
I hold the rank of 1st LT in the army.
I legit know nothing about the Lore of ESO (plix help)
I get lost even on the most simple quests in ESO. (took me 40 mins to complete fishing quest in new life festival)
Write about yourself freely:
I spend a ton of time in ESO, not playing the game itself, but more so doing content for everyone. The community in ESO is awesomo <3 There is an about me page on my website, not many know tho because nobody bothers to scroll down on the homepage :> https://alcasthq.com/about-me/